Chapstick = Genius
Do you think that chapstick companies conspire to keep it as cheap as possible? Hear me out. I can buy a stick of chapstick from Rite Aid for $1.25. When I lose it, which always happens, it is not a big deal to replace it. Another $1.25 and I am good to go.
The ease of loss and lack of investment keeps the demand and sell through rate extremely high. Imagine if you paid $35 for chapstick. You would be sure to use the whole stick. I have never in my life used an entire stick. I imagine that would take about 27 years. And I bet it is a question that cannot be answered. Kind of like how many licks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop.
And if I kept my $35 dollar stick of chapstick for 27 years, I would not be a very valuable customer to the chapstick company. Instead I lose my stick after about 15 uses and buy anywhere from 3-8 sticks a year depending on how chappy of a year it is.
Whoever figured out this business model should get an award valued more than a stick of chapstick.